Sunday, March 9, 2008

The Backyard Burn

I ran in my first race of the 2008 season this morning. I was happy to see many of my running buddies at the race. It was the Backyard Burn Trail race. I ran the 5 mile distance. I had run the 10 mile course twice before, and I found that distance on trails to be a just too long for me. After experiencing both the 5 mile and the 10 mile courses, I prefer the 5 miler.

I was not sure if the race would go on as scheduled after all the rain we experience the past few days. Trails that the organizers considered "passable" I found very wet and muddy in spots! Obviously these racers are cut from a much different (tougher perhaps) cloth than me! I am convinced the only weather that may have prevented this race from running is a blizzard.

I am not complaining, though. I really enjoyed my run on the trails this morning. The weather was very crisp and clear. I loved hearing the crunch of the leaves on the trail. The scenery was beautiful, especially by the swift moving creek that snaked its way through the park. I loved the challenge of staying alert and watching my step. My time was kind of slow...1 hour 14 minutes. But, considering my goal was to finish the race without falling on my rear, then I am perfectly content. I wish I knew the technique to run down the hills on the trails without the fear of wiping out. Maybe there is no technique...I am destined to run cautiously over the trails...happy to finish in one piece.

I felt like I finished strong. My training for the upcoming 10 miler has helped my endurance. I was able to run up the last mile of hills, and end my race feeling very refreshed.

The best part of running this race, was experiencing it with so many of my SMR race buddies! Way to go Erin! I am really proud of all the Blister Sisters who raced today too! Good job Amy, Christa, Michelle, and Sherry!