Wednesday, April 23, 2008

A little "green" on going green?

I got my race packet yesterday for the GW Parkway Classic. It consisted of a race t-shirt, number, and a reusable grocery bag. No fliers. No give-a-way goodies. It was kind of refreshing. I find I don't use most of the promotional items that are in my packet anyway.

I took a quick trip to store to get a few things after my run yesterday. I did not purchase too may items, but enough to fill 2 plastic shopping bags. I mindlessly carried my items to the car and realized that my reusable bag was sitting in my car, unused. Sighing, I cursed myself for not taking my bag with me into the store. I'm not doing my part! I guess with anything new, it is just a habit. I need to get into the mindset of bringing the reusable grocery bags with me when I go into the store.

Today, I made a point of taking my reusable bags (I say bags because I claimed Erin's bag and her friends bag as my own!! I figured that since I paid the registration fee for both of them, the bags are rightfully mine.) into the grocery store with me. I was not quite sure how to negotiate the whole check out process with the new bags. I decided to do the self check out. My only problem was this....when you use the self check out, all the purchased items must be place in the bagging area. When I put my reusable bag in the bagging area, the machine scolded me that there was an incorrect item in bagging area. I ended up leaving the reusables in my grocery cart, and laying all my groceries in the bagging area. Once I had finished checking out, I had to bag all my groceries from the bagging area. I am glad that there was no line. I would have felt really self conscious making others wait for me to finish.

Maybe you have tried this, and made the whole process work. Any tips?

I really like the bags and the whole idea of doing my part.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Erin on Channel 9 News

Hey Speed Sisters!
Not sure if any of you caught Andrea's interview on Channel 9 News last evening. Andrea has been chosen to carry the Olympic torch! (How cool is that?)

The news video that accompanied the story featured many shots of our own Speed Sister Erin S.!! She looked really strong pushing her kiddos in the double stroller around Burke Lake.

I was not able to find a link to the story on the Channel 9 website. If any of you know how to find the story, please pass along the link.

Way to go, Erin!! You Rock!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Finally! Speed Sister Picture

Thanks, Amy!

I have been playing around with the icons on the blogger site. Finally figured out how to post an image on this site!

Anyway, this is a picture of Erin S. and me before the Backyard Burn in March. Amy from the Blister Sisters took the picture.

Very Cool!

Hey Speed Sisters!

I am excited to say that I just signed my daughter up to run the 5K race with the George Washington Parkway Classic! The best part is that she asked her track team buddy Laura to run with her. Erin and Laura have become great friends over the past 5 months because they run together. (Sound familiar?)

Just doing my happy dance because I have found some common ground with my teenage daughter!
